What do the words ‘fat’, ‘attractive’ and ‘black’ all have in common? They have all been deemed as being offensive and removed from Roald Dahl’s books in an attempt to make them more inclusive. Although… Read More
A brand by any other name… would it really smell as sweet?
20th February 2023Unless you avoid Twitter like the plague (and who could blame you), you will have seen the indignant outrage at the news the Lilt drink brand is being replaced as simply a flavour of Fanta.… Read More
When ads get offensive: provocative advertising that simply goes too far
8th February 2023The start of 2023 seems to have been blighted by ads that have done nothing more than cause widespread offence. There was the Burberry ad which featured a model who had scars on show from… Read More
As we draw to the end of January, many of us will have realised with a sinking heart that we have already broken our carefully thought-out New Year’s Resolutions. Losing weight – nigh on impossible… Read More
Helping families feed their pets this Christmas
2nd December 2022Every Can Counts – that’s the message behind the new charitable initiative, Cans4Pets. The brainchild of design agency MBC, Cans4Pets is hoping to help prevent families being put into a situation where they feel they… Read More
Is it to time to find an alternative to pitching?
16th November 2022We’ve spoken before about the Pitch Mangle – our system of working out whether a job is worth pitching for. If a pitch meets at least 3 of our 6 criteria, then chances are we… Read More
Tis the time to cut the marketing crap
17th October 2022At the beginning of the year, we did a blog on the business buzz words everyone should really stop using. Leverage, journey, skin in the game all made it onto our list, but with Christmas… Read More
Marilyn Monroe or Cristiano Ronaldo: What type of person is your brand?
14th October 2022Nike, Audi, Apple – they all have one thing in common and that is they have a brand. And we’re not talking about a logo or an advertising campaign. We’re talking about how they have… Read More
When news broke that Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia had given away his company to fight the climate crisis it raised a few eyebrows. Initially people were a bit sceptical – surely reports were… Read More