ACT print advert


Lungworm is endemic over much of the UK and the risk of contracting it is as high as ever. Once an animal has the Lungworm parasite, it’s just a matter of time before it can develop into a life-threatening situation if not detected in time. Our concept used the idea of ‘time running out’ to make the audience realise the seriousness of the issue and to help them understand that monthly protection is the only way to truly prevent Lungworm becoming a disaster waiting to happen.


Our campaign sought to educate pet owners and vets of the dangers, so that they could ‘Act Against Lungworm’. The results exceeded all set benchmark targets and delivered an uplift of 59% in terms of educational impact on the previous campaign. The campaign included veterinary press advertising, interactive consumer digital display ads, VOD, Facebook Canvas and Carousel ads, a dedicated landing page on Bayer’s website, as well as in-practice materials such as wall displays, posters, leaflets etc.

In the words of our client, Hannah Watts, Brand Manager at Bayer:

‘The whole MBC team are a pleasure to work with, and the creative they produce is both original and impactful. Working with them gives me peace of mind that a project will run smoothly and the work produced  will be of the highest quality.’

ACT leaflet and pull-up banner mockups
ACT website mockup
ACT Waiting Room Pack Mockup

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