
Zylkene® is a calming supplement for short-term challenging situations, like fireworks, whereas Zylkene® plus is suitable for long-term situations, like separation anxiety. Our global campaign for Zylkene® (to owners) and New Zylkene® plus (to vets), sought to educate owners to ‘Read the signs’ of their pet’s behaviour, whilst our message to vets was about educating them on the use of Zylkene® plus prior to the use of psychotropic medications. Our concept cleverly poses an intriguing question making the viewer stop and think about the pet’s behaviour and if the pet is actually experiencing a situation
they find challenging.


We created the global brand guidelines, campaign guidelines and a complete localisation toolkit covering campaigns for both pet owner and veterinary audiences for local markets across Europe, the US and Australia to trans-create according to their local requirements.

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